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Developing An Affordable End-to-end Solution for Drug-Resistant Neural Networks Disorders
Starting With Epilepsy

INFI's Neural Networks Disorders Approach is based on highly overlapping clinical and computational traits, which ensure a natural extension from Epilepsy to adjacent markets.

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"In the suffering show me only the human being"


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A single scalable approach addressing multiple unmet needs

Drug-resistant Neural Network disorders (epilepsy, movement disorders, pain, psychiatry, and post-stroke syndromes) affect ~3% of the general population. Non-accessible and/or non-effective solutions impose severe clinical and financial burdens.

Highly overlapping clinical and computational traits

enables a natural extension of our solution to adjacent markets.

Why Start with Drug-Resistent Epilepsy (DRE)?

Epilepsy is the most common neurologic problem in children, and the fourth in adults. Epilepsy has a 1.2% occurrence in the general population  - around 70M patients worldwide among them more than 10M are children. Despite 20 new drugs over the last 30 the 35% percentage rate of DRE hasn't changed.

The annual financial burden of DRE on national economies amounts to $7.2B of USD, not to mention the human cost to patients and their families.


33-66% of DRE patients suffer from psychiatric comorbidities, their risk of sudden, unexpected death (SUEDP) is seven times higher, and most if not all of them experienced stigma & discrimination due to their illness. 


INFI’s Successful POC Results

We have completed a successful clinical POC in dozens of patients, including children. Over two years of follow-up, we established a stable and significant improvement in 87% of otherwise refractory patients. 


Moreover, we have identified traceable biomarkers which are part of our IP. 

Meet Our Team

Complementary expertise in neuroscience, neurosurgery and entrepreneurship

For more information, please contact us at:

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"In the suffering show me only the human being"


Copyright © 2025 INFI-Neuro LTD

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